
DESCRIPTION: These perennials, commonly known as Kaffir Lilies, are autumn-flowering plants. S. coccinea 'Sunrise' is a pretty plant that grows up to 2 feet high. It produces basal clumps of long, slender, sword-shaped, ribbed leaves. The large, shallowly cup-shaped, pink flowers are borne in erect spikes in early fall. S. coccinea 'Major' grows 2 feet or more high and has bright crimson-scarlet flowers in early fall.

Pot Cultivation

Grow Kaffir Lilies in fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Provide them with a sunny location and set them 6 inches apart. Kaffir Lilies are great for planting in borders and on the edges of ponds, above water level. They provide excellent cut flowers. These plants can also be grown in pots filled with equal parts of loam and leaf mold, with a bit of sand added. Kaffir Lilies should be lifted and divided regularly to maintain vigor.


They can be divided in the spring.

S. coccinea


  • S. coccinea & var. Sunrise, Major, Mrs. Hagerty & Viscountess Byng. 

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